
Sunday, March 18, 2012

“But then if we never *take* time, how can we have time?”

Nowadays in this world where we are compelling to do lot of things at the same time, it is getting difficult to have enough time to do all the things that we want to do.

I don’t know if you feel the same but it looks like that time is passing faster and faster. Work, School, Homework, Child, Traffic Jam, Internet, Social Media and thousands of other things to do, it makes us run from one side to other keeping our minds overwhelming with so many information that make the time pass and we keep trying to be faster than it, trying to be multifunctional, watching TV at the same time that we use the computer, answering the phone in the bathroom, reading newspaper and driving, we are trying to be superhuman and in the end we do not have time to things that are really important, our family, our friends, our kids, our free and lazy time.

As the Merovingian said to Morpheus in the Matrix movie, “Yes, of course. Who has time? Who has time? But then if we never *take* time, how can we have time?”.

So let’s take some time and enjoy life without rush…

Be my friend here and at Facebook, destiny or choice? We will see…

My thoughts, now is your turn. What do you think?

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